honorific|honorifics in English


[hon·or·if·ic || ‚ɑnə'rɪfɪk /‚ɒn-]

honorary title

Use "honorific|honorifics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "honorific|honorifics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "honorific|honorifics", or refer to the context using the word "honorific|honorifics" in the English Dictionary.

1. Answer in short sentences and end with honorifics.

2. Fans often learn about Japanese honorifics from anime and manga.

3. That was a religious honorific.

4. The leadership of honorific your company: Howdy!

5. ( Banmal - casual/ non- honorific Korean )

6. In Assamese there are also different pronouns and noun plural markers for use in honorific and non-honorific

7. Older respondents tend to state their replies in honorifics; younger ones are less reverential.

8. Some verbs have the corresponding honorific verb.

9. Toyoda said using a standard honorific for the two men.

10. In such occasions, Qiu as Taketo the honorific.

11. He was given the honorific title of national chairman.

12. The Japanese honorific is always the difficult point for Chinese learners.

13. Honorific social status commonly attaches to membership in a recognized profession.

14. Augustus (CAESAR).Augustus was the honorific title conferred in 27 b.c

15. "To eat" is mangan (low), bekelór (mid-), madaran (high) or majengan (honorific).

16. All employees will refer to each other by the honorific suffix "san".

17. You cannot get him, not even in the most honorific manner of invitation.

18. The title "Colonel" is an honorific title, the highest awarded by the

19. The difference between honorific and humble speech is particularly pronounced in the Japanese language.

20. Honorific clients: attention, The location happened emergencies, please depart the location quickly by waiters!

21. Howdy, honorific lady, very happy have this opportunity to accept your personal interview here again.

22. Perhaps the most honorific function in our time is that of social prophecy.

23. The honorific "ji" is sometimes added as a suffix to create the double honorific "Babuji" which, in northern and eastern parts of India, is a term of respect for one's father.

24. The presidency, though largely honorific, nevertheless gave him two years of unusual influence over the profession.

25. For example, the -san suffix ("Mr" "Mrs." or "Miss") is an example of honorific language.